Sunday, January 3, 2010

Heaven on Earth

Who said love happens once in a lifetime? Love happens almost everyday with almost every other person. What I feel for my mother is love. What I feel for my closest friend is love. What one feels for her puppy is love.

When you don’t feel that you are compromising for the other person, it is love. When the other person is irritating yet it doesn’t bother you, it is love. When you don’t think it is a big deal to go out of the way to help the other one out of difficulty, it is love. When the other person wakes you up at 4 in the night to vent out her frustration and you do not have the heart to shout at her, it is love. When you come back home after a long and tiring day and want to see that one single person at the door, it is love.

It is not difficult to recognise love amidst the numerous emotions that attack us through the day. No winds will blow, no flowers will spring, no colourful bubbles will float around you (if they do, you are sitting in a theatre). None of these things will happen. You just need to make a good connection with your heart. That little thing beating within you will tell you whether or not it is love. It says nothing but the truth.

Love will overpower all other emotions. All other moods.

Don’t speak of love or yearn for it if you aren’t willing to give your all for it. True love is the highest blessing any person can have from the heavens. It is all you need to make your time here on earth, heaven.

True love is one of those rare phenomena. As rare as a blue sun or maybe winter in Mumbai. When you have that someone who loves you beyond life itself, you can go through all that life has lined up for you. And life usually has a lot lined up!

In a world where people snatch, steal, sleep with other people’s love; in the corporate world where anything goes and everybody has a go at it; where sex has ravaged love; in this sticky and dirty and awful set-up, true love is something to honour and cherish.

If one is looking for true love, one first has to get the mediocre loves out of his system.

Don’t put a question mark where life has put a full stop.


  1. nice..very nice.. but i guess one needs to be in true love or shud have experienced it to actually relate to or more than that even to understand to the core of the meaning of the article..dis one didnot strike the cord for me dis time**

  2. hey help me understand the relation between the last line of d article and d whole article itself..pls**

  3. needs to be in true love to be able to understand the core of the article..personal life sure is a great inspiration:):)

    Sometimes, there are so many people who want to make a place for themselves in our heart but we dont allow them to because we are stuck up in the past. We spend our time reasoning out the happenings in our life rather than just taking them in our stride.

    We waste too much time on questioning the event rather than putting a full stop to it and allowing a new power to absorb us.

    And this precisely poses as a barrier to finding hevane on earth!

    Was it too philosophical? Did it make sense now? I hope it does yaa...:):)

  4. Your personal life has inspired you or Mine...I am confused..anyway,I guess it's the same for most of the people;for most of the females, to be precise.It's very true that we get so caught up with our past that even if bright future is waiting at our doorstep,we shut the doors tight in the fear of reliving the past.Or sometimes because of the reluctance to let go the good memories of the when we question our present as well as future on the basis of our past which has a big bold fullstop put against it by someone else.we are confused if that was a fullstop or a comma or maybe a are right Priyam when you say that some memories and episodes in life just need to be forgotten and washed out. Unless that's done, it's hard to give all your love to the new person in your life.And that would be unfair to this person.

    Hope that was not complicated.

  5. Damn cool!!!!
    You just answered Ankit's query with super ease!

    No, but seriously, what you said is absolutely true and well-put. And it is true, by default, in the case of women..

  6. its true for everyone (nt jus for women)...u jus need to move on and live life to the fullest...every event in our life is an experience...u jus learn from it...the past teaches u how to live in future...

    Jus live in the moment......m jus njoin the moment...probably the best phase of my life...thanx to everyone for making it special...

    nicely written priyam...continue to do so....

  7. That was very well put Kush:):)

    And I agree that we need to live in the present and stop cribbing about what happened and not be anxious about whats gonna happen..

    Life is great for all of us, ONLY if we take all that comes in life are and hence you are one lucky bum:):)

    I hope I am one of those who is making your life special:):)

  8. Great article :) Would love to read more like this one!

    But as far my comment about the concept is concerned, I don't wish to play devil's advocate here. Everyone talk about forgetting the past memories but its not that easy and for some people its impossible also.

    Now it depends on how much of your heart is eaten by the undead monster of the past. How much deep your heart is affected by its poinson. I felt many of the peopel who we feel forgotten the past are at the most just successful in compromising with there present.

    Memories hunt you like a snake with a single track revengeful mind. I guess, true love can only heal those kinds of deep wounds but its so rare these days!

  9. I agree that true love is a very rare phenomenon. But if one is lucky enough to get that love, life is a piece of cake! Every moment in life becomes a celebration of sorts:)

    I also agree to some memories being very precious. And they are so precious that they cant be forgotten. To get over the past, if we have to compromise then what is the big problem in that?!

    Why not fool your heart a bit and be happy for the rest of your life? Maybe, all this is easy to say but if one is successful in practising it also, then that person has the key to the door of a happy life:)

  10. I love the last line. Its beautiful.
    Have you read 'here on earth' by Alice Hoffman. I am sure you will love it.
