What happened is sad. 25 years is not an age to die, and it is certainly not an age to end your own life willingly. Life can get tough, everybody's is. Not just her; look around and you see almost every person struggling with their lives - be it in love or career or family.
Mothers have problems dealing with their teenage children, some women have problem conceiving altogether, fathers are struggling for that better job, that better pay because they have to support their family, kids are having a hard time performing well in all areas be it academic or play.
I am not a cold and cruel person to judge Jiah Khan's problems. I am not saying her problems are very trivial and not a big deal. Her problems must be really troubling. But so troubling that you took your own life? So troubling that you got free by killing yourself and leaving your loving mother to deal with the consequences? So troubling that you hold a fellow that you are supposedly in love with, responsible for your life-ending action?
Am no fan of this Suraj Pancholi. Hell, I hadn't even heard his name till now. So, I am not supporting him. But what was his fault? That he spoke to her rudely? That he maybe fell in love with her? That he maybe advanced his relationship with her under the false pretext of marriage? That he maybe even had an affair with another girl while dating Jiah also?
I agree all of the above deeds are morally wrong. No guy or girl should do this to another. It is the wrongest thing to do and raises fingers on his character and upbringing. But that doesn't mean he is a murderer! He can be the biggest scum on the face of earth. But not a killer.
He was 22 years old. He didn't know better. I don't think, people know what is right and what is wrong even when they reach a mature age. Who's to say that 50 year-old married men with two children do not indulge in infidelity every now and then?
My point is not to support Suraj or to simply accept infidelity as a way of life. My point is that girls need to be stronger. I say, we need to stop showcasing ourselves as the 'poor fragile lot'. That anybody will say a bad word to us and we will jump off the balcony.
After the Jiah Khan debacle, I am sure boys will be scared to commit to girls, fearing what the girl might do, God forbid, something went wrong.
We cannot live all our lives fantasizing about that perfect man and that perfect love story. It happens only in movies. Reality is way different. You cannot step into a relationship (not just love but even friendship) without considering the tiniest possibility that if not now but maybe after a decade, it just might not work.
Now tomorrow, if someone kills himself, saying that his employer chose someone else over him, or because he is troubling him at work, does that mean that the employer should be arrested? Well, if that's the case, then all the directors and producers in Bollywood should be arrested because Jiah also stated her failing career as a reason for her depression.
Who hasn't had a heartbreak? Who hasn't been given false promises? Or wait, who hasn't given another person a heartbreak? We all have been on the giving and receiving side of victimization.
Romance is delusional. A dangerous delusion. In fact, everything is a delusion when compared to the only reality looking at us in the eye - LIFE. Life is too precious to be sacrificed over things such as love and money.
There's a lot more to your being.